Presentation StatLearn 2016

I have been invited by the organizing committee of StatLearn to give a talk in the session High dimension and applications. I have presented an updated version of our work on parsimonious Gaussian process for classification of high dimensional data. The pdf of the presentation can be …

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Seminar at MIA departement

On [2016-02-12 Fri], I have the pleasure to give a seminare on our work on parciminious Gaussian process for the classification of hyperspectral data. The pdf of the presentation can be found here, and a low resolution version below.

Thanks to Nathalie Villa-Vialaneix for the invitation.

Enjoy …

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Visiting professor: Gabriele Moser

I have the pleasure to receive Gabriele Moser in my lab, from <2016-01-24 Sun> to <2016-02-06 Sat>. He was a visiting professor of the INP Toulouse. During this period, he gave an outstanding seminar on his research activities. The presentation can be found here. I hope you …

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Matlab oldies

Before using Python, I was using Matlab and I have developed some toolbox related to some papers ;) There were originally published on my previous website. I have decided to put them here, since I receive (few) emails from people asking for the code. I hope it can …

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Kernel Parcimonious Gaussian Process

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