Today might not be the best day in terms of productivity. However, tonight I was able to do my first lisp
function for my emacs config. Nothing fancy, just allow me to switch between two themes: one dark and one light. Off course, I bind it. There was already a package to do something similar (, but I wanted to cycle between tsdh-dark and original theme. So this is mine:
(setq cur-theme nil)
(defun cycle-theme ()
"Cycle between dark theme and light theme"
(if cur-theme
(disable-theme 'tsdh-dark)
(setq cur-theme nil)
(load-theme 'tsdh-dark t)
(setq cur-theme t)
;; Bind this to C-x t
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x t") 'cycle-theme)
So good !
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