Context - Project CES OSO

The objective of the project CES OSO is to provide land cover map over the metropolitan France territory using satellite images time series, provided by the new satellite mission Sentinel-2. These maps will be provided on a regular basis. The period between two maps depends on the application. In order to construct these maps accurately and with a reasonable time delays, automatic methods are needed. Also, ground survey are required, both to train the methods and to validate their outputs.

In the project CES OSO, several French laboratories are working together to provide methods and land cover maps for different thematic applications:

  • Agriculture,
  • Forest,
  • Disaster Management,

If several methods are now sufficiently accurate, one major remaining problem is to make these methods operational, in order to be applied with a minimized human intervention. In particular,

  1. It should be robust the dimension of the data, since hundreds of gigabytes will be processed regularly.
  2. Field data over the territory should be included in the processing chain at a minimal cost.

The first point will be addressed by a post-doc hosted by the CESBIO lab. The second point concerns this post-doc position.

Objectives of the post doc

The objective of the post-doc position is to develop a common framework between all the actors of the project, to collect, to centralize, to clean and to diffuse the field data.

First, the recruit will define sampling strategies on a thematic scenario basis. These strategies should be adapted to the time constraint of each thematic application.

Second, the recruit will develop computer tools to help to collect and to centralize the data:

  • Develop web technology and/or smart-phone application for the field survey,
  • Construction of the database to store and to diffuse the field data.

Third, statistical processing tools will be developed by the recruit in order to clean the data:

  • Remove outliers,
  • Standardize samples,
  • Correct spatial and temporal effect.

The beginning of the post-doc position is early 2016, for one year. The location will be the DYNAFOR lab, part of the University of Toulouse and INRA, France. The grant is approximately 2100 € per month.


The candidate must have a solid background in geomatic, geographic information system and programming. An expertise in field survey as well as in image processing will be appreciated. A good knowledge of English is required.

The candidate should send a detailed CV, motivation letter and reference letter to the contacts.



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